Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of the most frequent questions we get asked. If you can not find the answer you are looking for, please feel free to contact us.
What is the showfield postcode?
BA4 4GF. Please use BA4 4LY in your SAT NAV.
What time does the show open?
Show opens to the public from 9am. Gates open to traders, lorry and car parking from 6am. The public are permitted on site before 9am but there will be vehicle movement.
What time does the show close?
All classes are finished by 6pm. Ring events should finish by 6pm but do occasionally run over. Traders and exhibitors can leave at 6pm.
Can we bring our dog to the show?
Responsible owners with their dogs on non-retractable leads are welcome at the show. Please ‘poo pick’ after your dog. Please note: dogs are NOT allowed access to the Food and Cheese Hall or the Arts and Crafts marquee or the Honey Tent.
Ticket FAQs
Enquiries Form
Ticket resend link
Is there parking for disabled?
Disabled parking is part of the Forward Area in the Blue Car Park.